Courses, lectures and retreats
Course and lecture for companies
Tailor-made arrangements with a large span of content and thematic.
Course calendar – open courses and groups
Information about upcoming courses
A retreat is a closing, a start and a reset, where you put aside your daily stress and worries to take part in the now as well as your own true nature.
Courses and lectures
Courses and lectures can be held all across the country upon request, or as open courses where everyone can take part.
Read more about BUSINESS COURSES here.
We also hold RETREATS various places both in Norway and elsewhere.
The duration of the courses varies from a couple of hours to several days.
They can tailor-made and held as a series, step by step or singular – with or without follow-ups, individually, in groups or eLearning.
In order for the contestants to get the maximum out of the course, we will emphasize on flexibility and evocation in regard to the content of the course, creating contact, active participation and reflection. The point is that the course should create a lasting change and not just be remembered as another happening!